

Surya/Sun Effect
Working out some ego issues & selfish personality a strong Sun badly placed can show a too strong Effect  sun relate with power, position and authority in a Divine way. sun  relationship with the Father and elders.

Chandra/Moon Effect
Moon control mind & emotions and purify the mind and emotions. moon effect Develop mental peace through meditation. relationship with the mother, motherhood and woman. moon effect on pure love and devotion to God.

Mangal/Mars Effect
mars  learn to relax, calm down and practice non violence. Protect righteousness and justice. Destroy and detach from unnecessary possessions or negative patterns. Develop a one-pointed mind. relationship with brother.

Budha/Mercury Effect                                                                                                                      mercury indicates proper use of mind. Effect make to spiritual and selfless persion. mercury effect deal honestly on business. Effect on 1st level Education. Practice of yoga and study philosophy, relationship with sister.

Guru/Jupiter Effect                                                                                                                   

Jupiter indicates  proper relationship with GURU (teachers). Jupiter Show way of dharma and justice in daily life.  do service to him/her and learn about spiritual knowledge. relationship with GURU (teachers) and  husband                                                                                                                                                                                             


venus indicates relationships. avoiding attachment to sensual pleasures and over indulgence. venus effect on artist, instrument and creative work. Recognize the beauty of woman and the female qualities. relationship with wife and female persion

Shani/SaturnEffect                                                                                                                                 Saturn indicates areas strict inner discipline. human love and justice. Learn to work hard and serve other people as a duty. fasting and seclusion for spiritual strengthening. Work hard for the benefit of others without expectations relationship with Saturn

Rahu Nature or Effect     

Theyare the factors that create the mental agitation and lack of mental peace.  Rahu’s attraction to the dark and hidden areas can easily tune to lower or negative effect. Rahu is related with strong compulsive desires and fears which are usually unconscious and come  Overcome fear by developing spiritual strength, esoteric knowledge, faith, devotion and detachment.

Ketu Natureor Effect                                                                  

Ketu feels guilty about the personal ego and mistakes done in the past. Ketu shows a need to spiritualize the areas of life indicated by its house and sign placement, or the planets it conjuncts. It usually does that by creating separation or dissatisfaction towards the related area of life.

~~~~~ SWASTIK ~~~~~




mail:- swastik_world@yahoo.in, ee_nn23@yahoo.co.in 




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